The Daily Caveat is written by Michael Thomas, a recovering corporate investigator in the Washington, DC-area.


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Remembering Henry
Horrible. Just horrible... I received word over the weekend that Henry Hsu has passed away.

Henry's is a name that may not be well known in the investigative world at large, but he was most definitely an instrumental figure in the success of Virginia-based Corefacts, LLC., a firm that was recently bought by First Advantage Corporation. Later he came on to advise and assist at Caveat Research, which is how I got to know him.

Henry tragically lost his life on January 31st from injuries he sustained in a car accident. It is an utterly devastating loss to anyone who knew him.

Henry was one of the truest people I have ever met - a wonderful guy who played at being a misanthrope. I was privileged to spend most of a year sitting across a desk from him, working together every day to make Caveat go. He was just such a pleasure - honest and forthright with a wicked, playful sense of humor. 

And he would do anything for a friend.

Henry would never phrase his kindness as an offer. He'd simply decide what needed to be done and tell you - "Well, I figure I'll just do this," whatever the thing might be.  Like the time he drove my wife and I to and from work for a few weeks, while our (then) only car was out of commission. We'd all pile into his two door Tercel (he almost always left his fancy BMW at home) and he'd ferry us back and forth every day.

Maybe he'd also call us luzers en route or ask us to duck-down so he wouldn't be seen with white people. He was that kind of guy and it makes me smile now to think of those times. If you knew Henry, it probably makes you smile too.

Henry was also a beloved father, a son, a brother, a husband, a decorated solider, a friend and so many other things. I can only imagine the pain of his passing for those who were closer to him than I. For someone of his character and talents to be taken so young is beyond tragic. There are no words. It simply belies any greater purpose in this universe. 

A world without Henry Hsu is inarguably a poorer place.  He was exceptional.

I don't plan on writing anything else today. I'm just going to spend some time thinking about my friend. He is someone I am extremely grateful to have known and I will never, ever forget him. 

I appreciate you taking the time to read a little bit about him as well.

-- MDT
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