The Daily Caveat is written by Michael Thomas, a recovering corporate investigator in the Washington, DC-area.


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Patrick Harrington and BLX
Ok, this is The Daily Caveat picking your brain. We get requests all the time to follow-up on past posts or get tips that generate new ones. Patrick Harrington of BLX is one of the sorid characters we get the most questions about.

Last we heard around these parts, Harrington was supposed to be sentenced in early January but news coverage has been scarce. If you've got an update, please post it in the comments or send me a note.



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Anonymous Anonymoussaid...
I went to high school with Pat. He is not a "sorid character" - he is just greedy and misguided. Really - his family are good people - though, they had huge egos.....his crime will be punished correctly and he'll end up richer than he already was. Makes him smart and narcissistic - not sorid.
Hi anonymous. Thanks for visiting. Looking up SORID in Websters, it appears that the definition includes both "vile" and "meanly avaricious." Does that sound similar to your description of Patrick as "greedy and misguided"? Indeed it does. Thanks again for visiting. Tell Patrick to drop us a line when he gets out of jail. Plenty of our readers would like to speak with him.
Anonymous Anonymoussaid...
From the office of the SBA-OIG (office of Inspector General)

This update is from October 2007. The first page pertains to the case.

The sentencing phase may have been delayed. Before his guilty plea the case was moved at least three times.

Case Number: 0620662 U.S. District Court for Eastern Michigan

Most information on this case was extremely difficult to find within weeks of the case breaking.
Anonymous Anonymoussaid...

Testimony of
Eric M. Thorson
Inspector General
U.S. Small Business Administration
Before the
Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship
United States Senate
November 13, 2007

Detroit, Michigan,
Business Loan Center, LLC (BLX) Executive Vice President,
Patrick Harrington
Anonymous Anonymoussaid...
I just found definite confirmation that the sentencing of Patrick Harrington from Michigan has been moved to a later data, but the new date is not included.

Anonymous Anonymoussaid...
I also went to high school with Pat and he was nothing of the sort, very funny and bright. To bad you went to a catholic school and can't understand forgiveness and yes he will pay for his crimes, but don't stoop so low as to involve his wonderful, ego-less family thats not fair. If you had issues from high school go get help!
forgiveness from Ohio
I must confess I have no idea what this latest commenter is talking about. It is great that you and PH had some fun times in high school but it does not preclude him growing up to be a bit of a creep. He may still be a fun guy at parties and have a loving family, but that doesn't excuse his bad acts. As to forgiveness, he needs none from me. Perhaps he could take it up with some of the folks he victimized?
Anonymous Anonymoussaid...
According to his family Pat was supposed to have been sentenced September 22, 2008. Haven't heard what the outcome was though...
Anonymous Anonymoussaid...
its funny that you call Patrick Harrington vile and you write a blog terrorizing men who make mistakes. it sounds to me that you are quite the vile being as well. so how about you leave these poor men alone and let them pay off their debts and mistakes without embarrassing them anymore than they already are. you know nothing about Patrick Harrington other than the fact that he committed a crime. pat comes from a good family, and not only are you terrorizing patrick you are hurting his family. they have been through enough. let them be.
Blogger MDTsaid...
The Daily Caveat has not published anything new relating to Patrick Harrington since his sentencing in November of 2008. There is no "hounding" or "terrorizing" going on.

I do appreciate that Patrick Harrington has people who love him. Most of us do. However, writing about his crimes at the time they were committed, when he was sentenced, etc. is entirely appropriate.

That searching his name on the internet returns information about his crime and punishment is entirely appropriate. Future employers and potential business associates deserve to know.

Don't you think?
Anonymous Anonymoussaid...
I went to high school with his son, and knew the family rather well. They are indeed good, kind-hearted people. There's no need to call him a 'sorid' character (although I believe the word you meant to use is sordid, probably just a typo). He will pay for what he has done, that is all.
Thank you for your comment and for correcting my typo. As you said, Patrick will do whatever time he should for his acts. And future people he does business with should have the benefit of knowledge of those acts. No greater or lesser assessment of his conduct should be misconstrued. As I have offered in previous comments, the actions for which Harrington was convicted fall squarely in the realm of the sordid (ethically dishonest, morally degraded). That is no judgment on his family, his childhood or his future endeavors. Lets hope that the occurrences relating to BLX are never repeated and that is is the only sordid chapter in an otherwise exemplary life. Thanks again for your comment.
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