Global Options, a DC-Based investigative firm, is facing charges that it created a number of libelous websites in an attempt to defame the reputation of the Maqsudi family, which owns New Jersey-based ROZ Trading.
Why would a self-advertised CIA whose advisory board includes such luminaries as James Woolsey and William Sessions commit such acts? According to counsel for the Maqsudis, the websites were created at the behest of
Zeromax, GmbH, a Global Options client and are a part of a long running domestic feud.
Zeromax is purported to have extensive business ties to
Gulnora Karimova, harvard grad, black belt,
pop starlet (??) and daughter of daughter of Uzbekistan's hard-handed President,
Islom Karimov. The Maqsudis alledge that the websites are being used as an attempt to punish Mansur Maqsudi who had the misfortune to have
divorced Gulnora.
The charges against Global Options go beyond libel - so far as to say that the company's former CEO, Neil Livingstone actually passed on death threats to the Maqsudi family unless they dropped a pending lawsuit against Zeromax.
You can check out further details of the pending litigation and find out how
the Coca-Cola company gets involved in all of this by
checking out the press release from
Crowell & Moring LLP.-- MDT
Labels: Coca-Cola, GlobalOptions, Gulnora Karimova, Maqsudi, Roz Trading, Uzbekistan, Zeromax