The Daily Caveat is written by Michael Thomas, a recovering corporate investigator in the Washington, DC-area.


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Apple Stock Options Investigation - It's Not Over Yet
It pains me to even think bad thoughts about the fine folks at Apple. This is a company whose products I've used since their earliest incarnations and have great affection for (my wife would say too great). I also think that Apple, by in large, acts pretty responsibly as a corporate citizen. Not saying they are perfect, but especially with Steve Jobs in the driver's seat the company expresses a vision and ethos of progress and refinement. These are things I can get behind, whether we're talking about technology or civil society. Thus it pains me to observe that Apple may be in deeper waters than it was originally thought when it comes to potential problems arising from stock option backdating.

Some prominent (and probably pre-emptory) resignations have already taken place, including that of former Apple General Counsel, Nancy Heinen and former Apple CFO Fred Anderson. Everybody across the board has lawyered up, including Apple itself. With an SEC investigation of the company still looming, this Mac addict is starting to sweat...just a little. Falsified documents will do that to ya.

Read the absolute latest from the FT.

-- MDT

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