If you are local to the DC area and connected even tangentially to the PI. biz, I'd highly recommend checking out a panel this evening at the National Press Club. The event, focusing on
"Journalists Turned Full-Time Investigators," has some great speakers (and noted investigators) lined up, including:
- Gary Cohen of Orpheus LLC - a former US News investigative reporter.
- John Mintz of The James Mintz Group - a former Washington Post investigative reporter.
- Ken Cummins of Capitol Inquiry - a former CityPaper writer and editor, CityPaper.
- Kathy Lavinder of Security & Investigative Placement Consultants - a former ABC News producer.
- Michael Boland of Dome Advisors - a former lobbyist who now runs a Wall Street consulting firm utilizing freelance journalists.
The whole shebang starts at 6Pm today and takes place in the Eric Friedheim Library Classroom at the National Press Club this evening. I regret that I won't be able to make it myself but I highly encourage you to attend. This looks to be excellent.