"The investigation began as routine probe of suspicious high-volume trading prior to the acquisition of Catellas Development," said Friestad. The probe led to Eric Franklin, a hedge fund manager for Q Capital Investment Partners, LP, a Delaware limited partnership with offices in Fort Lee, N.J. "We linked those trades to Mr. Franklin and obtained trading records for Q Capital, and Mr. Franklin's own records for his personal account, and noticed that what they had in common was Morgan Stanley as the investment banker. We also noticed that a lot of the trading preceded upgrades and downgrades issued by UBS [Union Bank of Switzerland] and then the whole scheme began to unravel."Read more on the insider trading investigation at Time Magazine. And for a run down of the 14 indicted so far, check out this Daily Caveat post from last week.
Labels: Andover Brokerage, Assent LLC, Banc of America, Bear Stearns, Catellas Development, Chelsea Capital, insider trading, Jasper Capital, Morgan Stanley, Q Capital, SEC, UBS