...and Delloite & Touche
wants you to know about it. Check out the results of their
online "prexting" poll of 230 financial executives. Also included is an, I think useful, outline of what one should be mulling over when considering hiring investigators on a company's behalf:
- Be clear at the outset how investigators will achieve the results desired, and define objectives, scope and how the information is to be reported.
- Be wary of investigators who say they can get bank account information or information only available to law enforcement.
- Understand that liability for an illegal investigation will likely extend to the organization that hired the investigator, not just the investigator himself.
- Establish written guidelines regarding the use of investigators, and establish clear reporting lines.
- Make sure you investigate your investigator, and find out whether they use subcontractors, and what kind of arrangement they have with these subcontractors.
Frankly, if an investigator doesn't provide you with some sort of case proposal that roles out or defines
all of the above points for you before you even have to ask,
do not hire them.
Now print this out and put it in the top drawer of your desk...
-- MDT
Labels: Deloitte, pretexting, prosecution guidelines