Hedge fund manager David Einhorn, co-founder of
Greenlight Capital (and recent
World Series of Poker participant) is claiming to have been the victim of a scheme by which
someone gained access to his personal phone records.
Einhorn has alleged that investigators used pretextual techniques fool his phone company into sending account activity statements to a third party email address.
As many has four others are making similar claims...and what do these folks have in common? They'd all gotten on the wrong side of Allied Capital, the firm being fingered for ordering the pretexting. Details at
the NYT and care of
American Public Radio.
-- MDT
Sounds more like market manipulation and yellow journalism strikes again.
-- MDT
This has been going on for nearly five years. Einhorn made a bad short call and he is too egotistical to admit he was wrong. He should stick to the WSOP, where he is smarter than 99 percent of his opponents (not saying much in that setting).
Hard to say. As an Allied shareholder, I've seen enough episodes of this soap opera to know that the connections between the above-mentioned go well beyond their interest in this one company. I would say these are two or more people who often have one voice. Or, if you like, one leader and multiple followers.
My suspicion is this is an increasingly desperate short-seller trying to ride the pretexting news. What does he have to lose? He's thrown about 100 things against the wall the last few years. Nothing has stuck yet, but what's one more try?
I see The Washington Post is now on the bandwagon. I wonder why they haven't examined the ties between Allied's accusers? Or why the previous federal inquiries have turned up nothing actionable? Or why Allied shareholders and taxpayers like you are funding these investigations that lead to nowhere? Who is requesting them and why? Far more interesting mysteries, there, IMO.