The Daily Caveat is written by Michael Thomas, a recovering corporate investigator in the Washington, DC-area.


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The Tortellini, A Blog on Law, Politics, etc.
The blog of Stephanie Mencimer, who is using it to promote her book Blocking the Courthouse Door which addresses the erosion of the right to sue in America. Looks interesting and I'll be checking it out over the next few weeks to see if it warrants a permanent spot in the blogroll. Not everyone is a big fan, and I guess you wouldn't expect the folks at Overlawyered to be one, in any event, but please surf over that way if you want your grain of salt.

Tort reform and I go way back, as I spent a few years working exclusively on investigations in product liability litigation for, a consumer safety consultancy. My general feeling is that criticisms of tort actions are largely overblown and that everyone wants to second guess the jury in a trial they didn't attend and based on evidence that they didn't hear. But hey, that's just based on my experience in dealing with hundreds of cases from the inside (and admittedly, also, the plaintiff side).

-- MDT
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