It is hard to believe that there are kids coming into school this year that have no living memory of the events of September 11, 2006. I certainly will never forget it, having felt the impact of the plane that hit the Pentagon rattle through the windows of the apartment my wife and I were living in at the time. Like everyone else, we sat glued to the television for the next 72 hours, watching, waiting and absorbing it all. While I can't say that we've learned the lessons of that day very well as a country, I remain hopeful that despite our government's missteps, ignorance and ego that we can continue to avoid a reoccurence of such a tragedy on our own soil.
Today's is a day to remember family and friends, and to think a good thought for all those who keep us safe and comfort us when we're in need. They were the heroes of that day and they remain the unsung heroes among us today, even as the politicians natter on.
-- MDT