The Daily Caveat is written by Michael Thomas, a recovering corporate investigator in the Washington, DC-area.


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San Diego v/s Kroll
This story and been going on a loooooooong time. Like, when dinosaurs roamed the earth, long. We haven't covered it much at The Daily Caveat because, frankly...where to jump in? It goes something like this: Once upon a time in a sunny land beside the sea called San Diego, the mayor and cit council retained the services of Kroll, a risk management company that also happens to be the largest investigative firm around. Kroll was supposed to help San Diego with an investigation and audit into mismanagment of the city's finances. And, well, somewhere after that point the story goes off the rails and we're still waiting for the happily ever after. San Diego's City Beat has as good a run-down of the story that you are likely to find, and pithy to boot. And if you are curious about that private CIA comment, read about it here.

-- MDT


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