The Daily Caveat is written by Michael Thomas, a recovering corporate investigator in the Washington, DC-area.


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Vance International Involved in Northwest Airlines Labor Dispute

On Friday The Daily Caveat posted an article about the expansion of the private security industry in Canada. Needless to say since 9/11 the United States has seen a similar growth in this same sector. One example of that growth would be Vance International. Vance is (now) a unit of the SPX Corporation, founded in 1984 near Washington DC. SPX comprises Vance International, Decision Strategies, and Fairfax Consulting (DS and FC had mergedpreviously in October 1997).

Vance states on their website that they serve "a wide-range of clients from virtually every industry, including Fortune 500 companies, multi-national businesses, and domestic corporations as well as U.S. and foreign governments." These services include "executive protection, uniformed security officers, investigations, crisis management, asset protection, temporary labor, and security training."

Apparently, among Vance's current clients is Northwest Airlines, which is currently undergoing an ugly labor dispute. A number of articles had mentioned the hiring of security to watch over Northwest's mechanics and staff due to continuing tensions within the company, but an aviation-buff message board has IDed Vance International as the firm brought in to do the job.

Via Luchtzak Aviation:

Northwest Airlines has hired security guards to watch mechanics

July 31, 2005
By sn26567

SN30952 writes "Northwest Airlines Inc. has hired security guards to watch mechanics at Detroit Metro Airport as the airline and mechanics union approach an Aug. 20 strike deadline. The move has intensified workers' frustrations in a bitter dispute and has escalated pressure in a tense environment. Last week, morale continued to erode as workers learned about pending layoffs.

Vance International Inc., the 'security guards' company, videotaped flight attendants and mechanics who picketed a Northwest building. This firm also played roles for the coal industry in several violent Appalachian strikes in the 1980s and 1990s.
Original posting appears here.


Reading further, it looks like the AP had picked of mention of Vance's involvement over the weekend, but Vance has thusfar declined to comment...
Northwest hires extra security guards, union says

Associated Press
July 30, 2005

At Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, security guards who appeared to be from Vance International Inc. videotaped flight attendants and mechanics who picketed a Northwest building there this week, said Ted Ludwig, president of the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association Local 33 in Bloomington....

...Northwest declined to comment on the company's plans for security. "We are not publicly discussing the suppliers that are part of our contingency plans,'' said company spokesman Kurt Ebenhoch. Nancy Pieretti, spokeswoman for Vance, said: "We do not comment on either potential clients or existing clients in sensitive corporate situations such as this.'' In labor disputes, companies often hire security firms to monitor workers and prevent theft, sabotage and vandalism.
The full article appear here.

-- MDT

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