...[Michael] Kessler was hired by the Cobb County school board to look into the district's now-scrapped effort to provide laptop computers to every middle and high school student. Kessler also is investigating financial problems in the Fulton County schools' construction program.Kessler, 53, a native of New York City, spent his career working for various public agencies before starting his own corporate investigations firm, Kessler International, in 1998. An accountant by training, Kessler spent the early part of his career working as a forensic accountant in the New York state special prosecutor's office. He was chief of tax investigations for New York state and later served as deputy inspector general for New York City's public transportation agency.
Kessler says his firm has done work for Fortune 500 companies and governments around the world. The company's Web site says Kessler has offices in eight locations, including London, Miami, Chicago and headquarters in Manhattan....
The full article appears here and contains further details about the results of Kessler's investigation and the, shall we say, negative reaction of local public officials implicated in the probe.
-- MDT