Ok...you definitely didn't hear it from The Daily Caveat but word on the street is that former FBI deputy director, Mark Felt has been identified as legendary, anonymous Watergate investigation source, Deep Throat. Mr. Felt is scheduled to tell all in an upcoming Vanity Fair interview.
Meanwhile, John Dean dissents, insisting that the hunt is not yet over...
And Kevin Drum points the way to a "prophetic" Atlantic Monthly article from a few years back that rhuminates on the identity and the significance of Deep Throat. A key passage:
What seems important, with two decades of hindsight, is that in our national preoccupation with personality and celebrity in the nation's capital, we have concentrated too much on Deep Throat as an individual and not enough on the underlying bureaucratic forces. To be sure, Deep Throat may have had personal motives for his parking-garage meetings with Woodward. Several top FBI officials, including Felt, hoped to take over Hoover's job. Moreover, Woodward demonstrated great skill in cultivating and preserving Deep Throat as a source and a friend. But the institutional motivations at work would seem to have been at least as important as the personal interests or idiosyncrasies of an individual source and a newspaper reporter.