Also of note is this recent post from the same SLW that describes in excellent detail the duties encumbent upon institutional investors to file claims for damages in relation to securities irregularities. The piece also addresses how recent regulatory changes have raised the stakes for institutional investors. If they do not pursue claims when warranted, they risk being sued by their own shareholders.Citigroup: $2.575 billion
Bank of America: $460.5 millionDeutsche Bank Securities: $325 million
ABN Amro: $268.3 millionWest LB AG: $75 million
Tokyo Mitsubishi: $75 million
Lehman Brothers: $62.7 millionCaboto Holding SIM: $37.5 million
BNP Paribas: $37.5 million
Mizuho Int’l: $37.5 million
CS First Boston: $12.54 million
Goldman Sachs: $12.54 million
UBS AG: $12.54 million