The Daily Caveat is written by Michael Thomas, a recovering corporate investigator in the Washington, DC-area.


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Former Connecticut Governor Sentenced on Corruption Charges
Some big news heading into the weekend was the sentencing of former Connecticut Governor John Rowland on corruption charges. From The
Ex-CT governor Rowland sentenced to one year in prison for corruption

Friday, March 18, 2005

Former Connecticut governor John G. Rowland was sentenced Friday to one year in prison, four months of house arrest, three years probation, and an $82,000 fine after pleading guilty in December to a federal corruption charge. The sentencing period, set by the judge who heard Rowland's leniency plea, fell short of 15 to 21 months called for by the plea bargain. Prosecution ensued after investigators discovered that Rowland sold his political influence for over $100,000 in trips to Nevada, Florida, and Vermont. Rowland also accepted improvements of his lakeside cottage by state contractors.
The Jurist also has several links embedded in their piece, so click on over and check it out for a re-cap of Rowland's misdeeds as well as the ensuing investigation, impeachment and prosecution.

The Rowland matter is of particular interest to The Daily Caveat given that the case included a guest-starring role for investigative shop, the James Mintz Group. If you have found your way to the management bios here at, you might have noticed that all three of Caveat's managing partners did time with the firm.

The Mintz Group participated in the Rowland investigation under the auspices of Manatt, Phelps and Phillips, the law firm retained by the Connecticut state legislative committiee investigating the former governor. Not only was this a pretty high profile gig undertaken in the public interest, but according to WCTX, a Hartford Connecticut tv station the firm was also pulling down $140,000 a week at the height of the case.

It was just a little over a year ago that the Mintz Group provided testimony to the Connecticut state General Assembly on Rowlands shady dealings. Their investigative findings also contributed to this report, issued in June 2004.

-- MDT

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